Just completed my first week of the RawFu 100 Day Challenge. I've decided to document weekly because it's just more practical for me. The operative word for my week one experience is challenging. Many feelings (positive and negative) and cravings (positive and negative) have sprung up but I'm still holding on. I haven't been nearly as raw as I planned but I feel encouraged by the fact that some of my favorite raw heroes have taken years to reach their goal. Knowing this I can stop beating myself up and allow things to transpire naturally while not becoming too complacent.
One of the obstacles this week was not having my pantry stocked with the right ingredients. I'll remedy that situation this week by getting all the foods I find satisfying so I'll have no excuse. My goal, at least initially, is to be high raw (80%).
I have a confession to make. This is my third raw food blog. My previous blog incarnations have been Inspired Raw and Raw in Black. Regardless of what happens, I intend to keep this blog so I'll be JazzyRaw for a long time to come. Looking forward to what's in store for week two. Also looking forward to my Raw Food Tribe meetup on Saturday with a showing of Raw in 30 Days. Nothing like being around other raw food enthusiasts to be enlightened and inspired.
Whole Food Plant Based Microwave Grits
3 months ago
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